The Helmet Doctors

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Information Flyer

Information Flyer

“Guilt Free” conversation to Increase foot traffic into your store/club 

At The Helmet Doctors, we believe in the power of collective action to advance the safety of the Motorcycling, Motorsport, and Adrenaline Junky community. We invite you to join us in this mission by simply taking a moment to print off one of our information flyers and displaying it in your local area.


We have always emphasized that power lies in knowledge, and now we’re simplifying the process for you to share that power with your customers and clubs in your community. Printing or emailing the flyer below is all it takes to place yourself and your community on the “Front Line of Defence.” 


By highlighting the importance of The Helmet Doctors’ recent patented approved advancements and helmet laser scanning technology, you can play a major role in someone’s life—preventing preventable traumatic brain injuries and potentially even saving lives right in your local community. 


By displaying or forwarding our information flyer as an informative awareness or protection campaign, you will make a difference that matters. 


Who knows? This simple act may even increase foot traffic into your store or club and add value to your business services.


More than Just Helmet Scanning

You will also notice that our website not only provides the latest advancements in helmet scanning services but also offers various business activities through our Discount Coupon incentives, Electronic Gift Vouchers, or award-winning Gift Certificates.


Business Opportunity

Also, If you would like to discuss the potential that our recent advancements in helmet laser scanning technology present for your business and how you can maximize this opportunity within your community, I am more than happy to speak with you directly.


It’s as easy as emailing us your Expression of Interest (EOI) via our Gold Class Priority Line for B2B Opportunities.

Simply click on the Golden Logo to the top right of your screen, complete the required fields, and our Business Development team will arrange a suitable time for us to connect through Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams for a video chat on becoming an approved distribution channel for our helmet laser scanning services.


We hope you recognize this opportunity for what it truly is—a time-limited chance to align your business with the added value of our helmet laser scanning technology before your competitors do. We encourage you to consider this as a safety service that can be provided to your community, with no fear of legal liability coming back to you. 


By engaging with us and offering our helmet laser scanning service, you will be at the forefront of these laser scanning advancements in helmet safety, demonstrating your passion and commitment to preventing TBIs and saving lives.


It’s as Easy as A B C

All it takes is displaying our Information Flyer in your shop or club, engaging in a quick discussion about who we are and what we do, and perhaps handing out a pre-printed flyer or two to your customers so they can scan our QR code and learn more about us.


As mentioned before, power is knowledge, and it truly is as simple as passing on that power to your customers and clubs in your local community. It’s a “guilt-free” conversation to be had, one that holds tremendous potential for positive impact.

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