The Helmet Doctors

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Social Cues

Social Cues

At The Helmet Doctors, we interpret social cues as verbal or non-verbal signals expressed through the face, body, voice and emotion. These cues ultimately guide and give context to conversations or social interactions by potentially affecting our perceptions and responses to others. 

These perceptions facilitate social understanding and our understanding of your engagements with The Helmet Doctors.

This is why we felt it was important to have a designated page to all our most recent post and engagements with our social media world. You will find below is our one stop shop highlighting our Facebook and Instagram posts. 

We hope to see how your perceptions and understanding to any of the social comments made, information provided or even some of the tips and tricks that may benefit others. We encourage anyone to respectfully voice their opinions, but also understand not everyone has the time to verbalise their thoughts to every comment made.

We feel it’s just as important to emphasise the non-verbal signal expressed via the use of a like, share or follow or simply through the use of the incredible number of emojis that are available these days.

As we all know, “a picture tells a thousand words”, so we hope to see your “Social Cues” by engaging on any of the below.

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