The Helmet Doctors

“Extend Helmet Safety Storage Mastery”

Aug 30, 2023

How do I store my helmet properly to maintain its effectiveness?


Motorcyclists & Motorsport enthusiasts, buckle up for a compelling journey that unveils the crucial link between helmet safety and your passion for adrenaline. We shed light on the specific risks you face, and the devastating consequences of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), & present an innovative solution to fortify your protection.


Welcome to The Helmet Doctors, where we strive to empower you with the knowledge and tools to ensure a safe and exhilarating ride/drive every time knowing your helmet’s structural integrity is in optimal condition.

Below and the following stories we will brief you on the areas:


  • The Hidden Dangers,
  • The Unseen Perils of TBIs & Death,
  • How to Empower Prevention through Preventative Measures & Helmet Laser Scanning,
  • The Simplicity of Taking Action to Enhance Your Safety,
  • How you can become a Beacon of Hope for others,
  • How Joining our Passion for Advancements in Helmet Safety Can Save Lives and How It Just Might Be Yours That Counts.


But now let’s look at …


How do I store my helmet properly

 to maintain its effectiveness?


Answer: Proper helmet storage is crucial to ensure its long-term effectiveness and integrity. Storing your helmet correctly helps prevent unnecessary wear and tear, maintaining its protective capabilities. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so adhering to the manufacturing recommendations on how to store your helmet is always best.


As a general guide, when it comes to storing your helmet, The Helmet Doctors recommend keeping it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and dangerous chemicals. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the helmet to prevent any structural damage. By following these guidelines, you can prolong the lifespan of your helmet and preserve its effectiveness and structural integrity. 


For further information and a wide range of items to assist with helmet care, we strongly recommend seeking professional assistance at your local motorcycle store. Remember, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, & the guidance of your local store will effectively produce safer time on and off the track.


For more content or illustrations, head to our website, or check out our FAQ. To reference our article to your friends, or family, in the Motorcycling/Motorsport community, click the link below or simply copy this URL or bookmark the page for future referencing: Otherwise read our next article about Evidence of Helmet Pass or Fail Assessment: Understanding Your Safety Status, titled “Helmet Safety Assessment: Pass/Fail?”






“Our motorcycle safety course in helmet protection”


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