The Helmet Doctors

Support Helmet Safety with Our New Laser Scanning Service

Jul 10, 2024

For just $48 AUD, you can ensure your helmet’s safety and help us advocate for better helmet protection measures.

Hey, have you heard about our latest initiative at


We’re all about making helmet safety accessible and effective.


Imagine this: for just $48 AUD (excluding taxes), you can ensure your helmet is safe with our new laser scanning service. This innovative technology checks your helmet’s integrity, potentially saving lives by preventing traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and unnecessary deaths among riders and drivers.


At The Helmet Doctors, we’re passionate about getting your feedback on this service. We want to show industry authorities that the Motorcycling & Motorsport community supports this vital safety measure. Your input can make a real difference in spreading awareness and making this service available locally.


Would you be willing to invest in your safety with a helmet laser scanning service? Share your thoughts by taking our quick 2-minute survey. It’s just 10 multiple-choice questions that could help shape the future of helmet safety.


Click here to take the survey or pass it along to your local clubs and motorcycle stores to gather more feedback. Every response counts!


Remember, community awareness and support are crucial in promoting safety. Together, we can make a significant impact in preventing TBIs and saving lives.


For more content or illustrations, head to our website, or check out our FAQ. To reference our article to your friends, or family, in the Motorcycling/Motorsport community, click the link below or simply copy this URL or bookmark the page for future referencing:, you can continue reading about how Helmet Laser Scanning Significantly Enhancing Your Safety in our detailed article titled “Helmet Safety Small Price, Lifesaving”.


“Our motorcycle safety course in helmet protection”



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